Sunday, February 20, 2011

Polynesian Village Zucchini

Polynesian Village Resort

When I cooked this recipe and sat it down in front of my husband, his exact words were "who put snot on my plate?" Maybe it looks that way, and if you don't like zucchini then you probably won't like it. Coming from a zucchini lover though, it tasted awesome! It was super easy to make and tasted great, so I finished off my husbands portion too! I give it 5 mickeys...even though Greg would say 0 :-)

1 comment:

  1. Because it's a 5 mickey recipe, here it is!

    1 lb young zucchini
    2 T butter
    1/2 C chicken broth
    2 T cornstarch
    3/4 t salt
    1/4 t white pepper

    Scrub zucchini. Do not peel. Slice thinly and saute in butter to desired tenderness. Combine chicken broth and cornstarch and add to zucchini. Add salt and pepper. Simmer on low heat, covered, for 7 minutes.
