Sunday, February 20, 2011

New York Style Cheesecake & Strawberry Topping

The Land Grille Room, Farmers Market - The Land, EPCOT

Ok, so this recipe really ticked me off. First off, I love does Greg. I was super excited to make a yummy cheesecake after the awesome marble cheesecake recipe I made a few weeks ago. The crust was easy. The filling was not as easy. First off, you have to find farmers cheese...almost impossible. I did manage to stop by a Giant Eagle MarketPlace that is 40 minutes from my house which advertises 400+ cheeses on a huge billboard...I finally found my farmers cheese. However, it's supposed to be soft so you can just whip it up with the cream cheese. One cheese is not soft like cream you have to warm it a tad. It melted some. Because the recipe does not call for you to bake it in a tray of water...I didn't. The outside was so overcooked that it had a thick, sandy texture and the the inside wasn't completely cooked. So call me a bad cook, or call the recipe stupid, but I did just fine on the last cheesecake so I'm thinking it's not me. It's sad too, because the strawberry topping was pretty good, and doesn't my picture look awesome? Yeah, it's like wax food...great to look at, nasty to eat. Even the ok cooked parts weren't sweet. We ate the middle out and threw out the edges. Oh well. We give the Topping 3 mickeys, but the cake only gets 2...and that's if it would have cooked up correctly.

1 comment:

  1. I have made this MANY times. It is a family favorite. Never had a problem with the top and I have baked it with and without the usually recommended water bath. I make my own Farmers Cheese...excellent in this.
